2010 and what's new for SidFilmz? We'll get back to you on that.
Actually, it's business as usual. Our Digital Media Producer, Levi Anderson, has been off working on other peoples films the last few months, and is now catching up on some video editing and website redesigns for SidFilmz again. Stay tuned for some upcoming posts on the upcoming DVD Package for Tom Kane's Film Production Workshop. This is for all you folks who love to make movies, but are too creative or artistic to think about it as a business. Tom helps you focus on how to tear a script down into workable parts, build a real budget and schedule, and produce an actual motion picture out of it.
For those interested, check out his website at http://filmtvworkshops.com. Click on the Production Software link and you'll see some killer sales on Movie Magic Scheduling and Movie Magic Budgeting, 2 of the leading softwares for Assistant Directors and Unit Production Managers.
As for new websites, check out the slimmed and simple redesign for Luxury Lagoon Pools, a southern Oregon company who designs and builds custom inground swimming pools and outdoor recreation areas. Some new additions have been made to Hotel Furniture Pro's website, and the redesign process has just begun for Dorris Construction and Design Residential. Look out for those updates soon.
Oh, and SidFilmz is helping to put on the upcoming Killer Valley Horror Film Festival on Sat., January 16th, in Ashland. This is a small-scale showcase of independent horror and sci-fi films, 3 years running now. For more info visit their website athttp://killervalleyhorrorfilmfestival.com.